Julie one more time for the CSFF Blog Tour.
I (and some others) observed that the Safe Lands series was rather light on Christian content. But in the comments for
my review of Rebels, Jill Williamson (love!) wrote:
This was a Blink book, which is an imprint
Zonderkidz began for the general market. So it technically wasn't a
Christian book, though I don't know how well Zonderkidz is doing letting
readers know that. But that is why the Christian content is so low in
this series.
That was all news to me! I would argue that
Blink's "About" page does very little to explain the books are for the general market, either.
Blink brings true stories and fiction to YA readers. The literature
published by Blink is a positive reflection of what is inspiring and
heartening while maintaining a tradition of imaginative and exciting
storytelling that will bring readers to the edge of their seats, immerse
them in a heartrending love story, or engross them in a story of a life
well-lived. Readers will see themselves in all facets of Blink’s
literature and will find new levels of entertainment that enrich and
Company Overview
Blink is the brand new home of some of the most engrossing teen publishing anywhere.
We publish some of the best writers we know, including Heather Burch,
Jonathan Friesen, Lisa T. Bergren, Carey Corp and Lorie Langdon.
While their books aren't called Christian, "positive reflection," "inspiring," "enrich," "uplift," and even "life well-lived" read to me as Christian buzzwords, and certainly don't sound like a secular publisher to me. Even if I didn't know they were linked to Zondervan, I would have guessed that there was some sort of Christian (or maybe LDS) background.
(Also, they are missing at least one important writer in their list, who wrote an excellent dystopian series that was recently spotlighted in a certain blog tour...)
I strongly agree that Christian writers can and sometimes should write secular fiction...many people would never dare pick up a "Christian" book, but if done right, a secular book can open a door. I imagine that for some readers, The Safe Lands series may serve as a good Christian witness, even with its subtle presentation on that front. And certainly, if any Christian author can do what Blink's official "mission" promises, I think they're doing well indeed.
The Safe Lands series was indeed a positive reflection, heartening, imaginative and exciting, enriching, and made me (not the target audience) think about my own life too. So I think Williamson was an excellent fit for the imprint, indeed. I'm so glad she was able to bless us with her series.
Here are the other participants in the blog tour!
Thomas Fletcher Booher
Beckie Burnham
Jeff Chapman
Vicky DealSharingAunt
April Erwin
Carol Gehringer
Victor Gentile
Rebekah Gyger
Jeremy Harder
Jason Joyner
Carol Keen
Shannon McDermott
Meagan @ Blooming with Books
Melanie @ Christian Bookshelf Reviews
Rebecca LuElla Miller
Joan Nienhuis
Writer Rani
Audrey Sauble
Chawna Schroeder
Jojo Sutis
Elizabeth Williams
conjunction with the CSFF Blog Tour, I received a free copy of this